Whether you experience same-sex attractions and are committed to following the Catholic Church's teachings on chastity, or you have a family member or loved one who identifies as LGBTQ+, you are not alone. Join our global Courage and EnCourage family and discover a Vatican approved Apostolate providing support and confidentiality. EnCourage International is a ministry within Courage and it is true to the teachings of the Catholic Church. If you would like to walk with others who faithfully support one another and their loved ones through prayer, discussion, and fellowship please contact us. We would love to talk to you! https://couragerc.org/echapter/seattle-2nd-chapter-everett/
What is GOOD GRIEF? What are helpful strategies to deal with our losses? What are unhealthy & unhelpful ways of grieving? The Grief Seminar is offered to assist you to successfully go through the grieving process and get back into living life! A series of 6 sessions will be offered with helpful information and tools. There is not cost involved. For more information, contact the parish office at 425-349-7014.
Welcome to our mental health support group for Our Lady of Hope Parish in Everett! Our purpose is to provide a listening community for each other and remind us all of God’s limitless love despite our crosses. Our recent experience includes the Sanctuary For Catholics course and also experience with groups supported by NAMI.org. We will draw on these fantastic resources to create a place where people feel heard, loved, and prayed for. Anyone with lived experience is welcome at this time. If the opportunity arises, we may develop branches covering more specific mental health topics (family, veterans, young adults, etc.). For more information, contact the parish office at 425-349-7014.
Helpful resources:
Liturgy & Life's 10 Session group study: Total Abandonment to God's Will. 10 session study designed to help us begin to make confident, courageous, effective steps toward surrendering our wills and our wounds to our loving Heavenly Father. Wednesdays at 10:15am, October 2nd - December 18th. For more information, contact Patty Bellows or the parish office at 425-349-7014.